What is the Effect on Driver Certification Based on FMCSA Blood Pressure Guidelines?

During your Department of Transportation (DOT) Physical Exam, your Certified Medical Examiner with measure and record your blood pressure (BP) at least twice.

A Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) driver with a BP less than 140/90 can be certified for 2 years, if there are no other disqualifying health conditions or specific medications they are prescribed.

Elevated BP Stages & Certification Periods:

Stage 1 - BP 140-159/90-99

Certification Period: 1 year

Stage 2 - BP 160-179/100-109

Certification Period: 3 months as one time certification.

Within the 3 months, if the BP is below 140/90, the driver may receive a 1 year certification.

Stage 3 - BP Reading >180/110


You will have to stop driving your CMV until your BP is equal to or less than 140/90 during a new DOT exam.

The driver can only be certified at 6 month intervals for rest of their driving career.

Treatment for high blood pressure usually includes both medications and lifestyle changes.


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